Going into 2022, one particular challenge stands out to Mindsight Cybersecurity Practice Lead Mishaal Khan: Better preparing company leaders and their employees for social engineering attacks.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
The Supply Chain and Technology: A Technology ReportRead
Everything is globally connected, from raw materials and manufacturing to shipping, trucking, warehousing and, ultimately, retailing. That means technology will play a more vital role than ever in maintaining optimal responsiveness, resilience and security in the supply chain.
How Data Breaches Impact Your Business: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Data breaches impact your business – or will, if they haven’t already. Find out what the risks are and how to minimize the impact on your organization.
Phases Of A Cyber Attack: The Before, During, And AfterRead
By understanding the phases of a cyber attack, your can better prepare your organization for the most prevalent risks to the business.
IT Budgets in 2021: A Technology ReportRead
As the United States and many other countries slowly transition back to a new normal in the wake of COVID-19, IT spending is finally starting to rise after a dip in 2020. According to a late January study by Gartner, worldwide IT spending will grow 6.2 percent this year and total more than $4 trillion worldwide.
Women in Tech – Narrowing the DivideRead
The percentage of women in tech has long been disproportionately small. Find out where we are currently, and how far we have to go to close the gender gap.
How To Tackle Cybersecurity In A Hybrid Work Environment: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
When moving to a hybrid work environment, cybersecurity is often top-of-mind. Find out what steps you can take to enable a hybrid work model while protecting your data.
How Disaster Recovery and Ransomware Intersect: A Disaster Recovery ReportRead
So far in 2021, ransomware attacks have increased 102% compared to the same period in 2020, and the impact of these attacks continues to grow. Find out how disaster recovery and ransomware are connected and how you can protect yourself from this growing threat.
Gartner Releases 2021 Industry Report: A Technology ReportRead
The latest version of Gartner’s annual IT industry report is chock-full of useful insights and statistics. Encompassing roles ranging from CIOs and Heads of IT to SPVM leaders, it addresses key challenges, trends and actions for each group. At more than 50 pages, though, it’s no breezy read. Here’s a summary to save you some time.
Why IT Projects Fail: A Managed Services ReportRead
There are a number of reasons why and IT project fails to come to completion. We sat down with Matt Cox, Director of Internal Systems at Mindsight, to discuss these reasons and how to prevent them.