2019 was a busy year. From dHCI to a measurable shift toward multicloud deployments, technology remains in flux. Check out our list of the top technology stories of 2019.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
7 Ways To Ensure Student Data Privacy: An EdTech ReportRead
Protecting student data is easier said than done. Learn seven guidelines for your own security policy.
Why 2020 Will Be The Year Of dHCI: An Infrastructure ReportRead
The latest data center architecture – dHCI – is making waves. Find out why Gartner and IDC note dHCI as a market to watch in 2020.
Top Technology Trends For 2020: A Mindsight Futures ReportRead
The time for predictions is upon us. Here’s our analysis on the top technology trends of 2020 – and the impact they will have on businesses around the globe.
Ransomware Targets Manufacturing Industry: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
While cyberattacks have increased in both number and impact, cybercriminals’ ransomware targets manufacturing specifically to disrupt production, collect intellectual property, and increase ransoms.
Protecting Your Business From Rise In Ransomware: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
The rise in ransomware is threatening an increasing number of organizations, from small businesses to the enterprise. How can you protect yourself from a ransomware attack?
The Rise Of Chatbots In The Call Center: A Contact Center ReportRead
Chatbots in the call center are more relevant than ever for customers seeking frictionless experiences. Find out how chatbots fit into the customer journey.
3 Ways Cloud Analytics Improve Business Intelligence: A Cloud ReportRead
Business intelligence means making smart, data-driven decision. Find out how cloud analytics improve BI for businesses of every size.
Predictive Analytics Improve Patient Care: A HealthTech ReportRead
While the five-level triage system is more valid and reliable than more rudimentary systems (i.e. a three-level system), hospitals and the healthcare industry as a whole is moving towards relying on predictive analytics that are more accurate, unbiased, and successful. In fact, 57% of executive forecast predictive analytics will save the organization 15% or more over the next five years.
Top 5 Security Trends Of 2019: A Security ReportRead
The rise in cyber attacks means increased scrutiny on security trends of 2019 and beyond. Find out how other organizations are investing.