IT Budgets in 2021: A Technology ReportRead

As the United States and many other countries slowly transition back to a new normal in the wake of COVID-19, IT spending is finally starting to rise after a dip in 2020. According to a late January study by Gartner, worldwide IT spending will grow 6.2 percent this year and total more than $4 trillion worldwide.

How To Integrate Cyber Resiliency Into Your IT StrategyRead

Today’s IT strategists know that data security threats cannot be ignored. According to AV-Test, a security research firm, there are over 350,000 new malware programs every day.

It is critical that IT invests in cyber resiliency, so that when a security event occurs – and it will – the data on which the business relies is protected.

Security in the Contact Center: A Contact Center ReportRead

Among the most vulnerable cybersecurity targets are contact centers, where security and privacy are often the weakest links. Sadly, it’s difficult to trace fraud attempts back to the perpetrators. Mindsight’s Kleid Gjataj shares insights on what you can do to protect your contact center.

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