As global cybercrime grows more sophisticated and widespread, cyber insurance is growing more popular among organizations of all sizes. Here’s the catch: Many insurers won’t underwrite a policy if certain security measures aren’t already in place.
Category: Technology
Articles about new and emerging technologies. Explore technology with Mindsight.
Phishing and Ransomware and Data Breaches, Oh My! Top 5 Cyber Attacks of 2021, Part 1: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Here are five of the most damaging cyberattacks of 2021 — the types and general targets of which will remain similar in 2022. In other words, keep your guard up. Or get it up if it’s not already. Better to be safe than sorry.
The Rise of Social Engineering Challenges: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Going into 2022, one particular challenge stands out to Mindsight Cybersecurity Practice Lead Mishaal Khan: Better preparing company leaders and their employees for social engineering attacks.
The Supply Chain and Technology: A Technology ReportRead
Everything is globally connected, from raw materials and manufacturing to shipping, trucking, warehousing and, ultimately, retailing. That means technology will play a more vital role than ever in maintaining optimal responsiveness, resilience and security in the supply chain.
Phases Of A Cyber Attack: The Before, During, And AfterRead
By understanding the phases of a cyber attack, your can better prepare your organization for the most prevalent risks to the business.
IT Budgets in 2021: A Technology ReportRead
As the United States and many other countries slowly transition back to a new normal in the wake of COVID-19, IT spending is finally starting to rise after a dip in 2020. According to a late January study by Gartner, worldwide IT spending will grow 6.2 percent this year and total more than $4 trillion worldwide.
Women in Tech – Narrowing the DivideRead
The percentage of women in tech has long been disproportionately small. Find out where we are currently, and how far we have to go to close the gender gap.
Gartner Releases 2021 Industry Report: A Technology ReportRead
The latest version of Gartner’s annual IT industry report is chock-full of useful insights and statistics. Encompassing roles ranging from CIOs and Heads of IT to SPVM leaders, it addresses key challenges, trends and actions for each group. At more than 50 pages, though, it’s no breezy read. Here’s a summary to save you some time.
Why IT Projects Fail: A Managed Services ReportRead
There are a number of reasons why and IT project fails to come to completion. We sat down with Matt Cox, Director of Internal Systems at Mindsight, to discuss these reasons and how to prevent them.
How The CFO And CIO Work Together To Derisk The Business: A Disaster Recovery ReportRead
The CFO and CIO could join forces to help derisk the business – but do they? Find out why the CFO and CIO can and should work together.