CRM systems are a necessity for many institutions. Unfortunately, most CRMs fall short in healthcare. Learn how EDCi’s EHRConnect bridges that gap.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
2020 Tech Trends in Education: An EdTech ReportRead
When Mindsight last dove into EdTech trends in 2018, the world was a very different place. In this era of “new normal”, what has changed since then, and what remains the same?
Privacy With Google Classroom: An EdTech ReportRead
Now that we are over one month into the 2020-2021 school year, eLearning has decidedly improved – schools have adopted new tools, coordinated material pick-up, and teachers and parents have received training on a multitude of platforms and LMS software.
End of Life Phones Get an Extension for 2020Read
After nearly two decades in service and one decade of being unserviceable, many of Cisco’s older phones are about to face the final curtain. Or are they?
What Is IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS? Examples and Definitions: A Cloud ReportRead
Are you using cloud computing effectively? Many ask what is IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS – and are already using all three models. Read for examples, definitions, and to find out the most common use cases.
Top 5 Use Cases for VDIRead
VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) works in a wide range of scenarios, but here are our top five use cases where VDI is particularly successful.
Back-to-School Technology For Covid-19 Education Models In 2020: An EdTech ReportRead
With schools heading back to school, IT and technology leaders across the country are facing some of the most challenging circumstances given the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.
4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Improves Healthcare Accessibility: A Contact Center ReportRead
Here are four ways artificial intelligence improves healthcare accessibility today. Find out how conversational AI and RPA give patient’s higher quality care.
Sky-Rocketing Tech Sector Layoffs, Yet Tech Leaders Remain Optimistic: A Mindsight Futures ReportRead
The Jobs Report and hard data on tech sector layoffs leaves little to the imagination as to the fate of the economy. So why are IT tech leaders optimistic?
Preparing For Fall 2020 With Office 365 For Education: An EdTech ReportRead
Uncertainty around the upcoming school year is leaving education and IT leaders seeking improved blended learning solutions – for virtual and distance learning. Office 365 for Education takes the same applications found in the standard office suite and positions them in the cloud.