So far in 2021, ransomware attacks have increased 102% compared to the same period in 2020, and the impact of these attacks continues to grow. Find out how disaster recovery and ransomware are connected and how you can protect yourself from this growing threat.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
Gartner Releases 2021 Industry Report: A Technology ReportRead
The latest version of Gartner’s annual IT industry report is chock-full of useful insights and statistics. Encompassing roles ranging from CIOs and Heads of IT to SPVM leaders, it addresses key challenges, trends and actions for each group. At more than 50 pages, though, it’s no breezy read. Here’s a summary to save you some time.
Why IT Projects Fail: A Managed Services ReportRead
There are a number of reasons why and IT project fails to come to completion. We sat down with Matt Cox, Director of Internal Systems at Mindsight, to discuss these reasons and how to prevent them.
How The CFO And CIO Work Together To Derisk The Business: A Disaster Recovery ReportRead
The CFO and CIO could join forces to help derisk the business – but do they? Find out why the CFO and CIO can and should work together.
7 Tech Podcasts to Ease Your CommuteRead
Podcasts. Whether you love them or hate them, they’re here to stay. Here are 7 podcasts we recommend to ease your commute, or just help you unwind but stay up-to-the-minute on tech topics.
Cybercrime Increases Sharply in K-12: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Education-related cybersecurity needs a lot more attention and improvement. With education venues varying in size, purpose, and stature, the motives for attack can vary, and responses differ. Find out what Mindsight’s Mishaal Khan has to say on this ever-developing issue.
Microsoft Exchange Attacks and What You Need to Do Now: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Matt Cox, Mindsight’s Director of Internal Systems and Security, shares some expert insights about so many more Microsoft Exchange Server attacks are happening, as well as mitigation methods that can be and are being implemented to stop them.
Tech-Enabled Educational Solutions: An EdTech ReportRead
Education technology, commonly known as EdTech, was a rapidly growing sector even before the pandemic upended traditional ways of teaching and learning.
Major Cybersecurity Breaches of Q42020: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
No industry was safe from cyberattacks in the last quarter of 2020. Everyone from software companies, to booksellers, to major government bodies were targets.
2020 Trust Report Summary: A Technology ReportRead
Organizations invest heavily in building their brands and ensuring customer loyalty. One cybersecurity breach could ruin that. Mindsight examines the numbers as they relate to consumer trust.