What’s in Zerto Virtual Replication 6.0? The launch of 6.0 this year succeeds in solving the multi-cloud crisis. DRaaS is now easier than ever.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
IT Budgeting Done RightRead
IT budgeting can be difficult, which is why Mindsight has assembled this short guide. Learn how to structure your IT budget for success and avoid the most common pitfalls.
Is There a Method to Musk’s Madness?Read
Elon Musk attributes much of his success to his customers, who in turn believe that the reason Tesla is a better, stronger company comes from its mission. Learn more about his methods and how they contribute to his success here.
Mindsight Technology Demo DaysRead
Mindsight demo days offer the opportunity to test out various technologies before you decide whether or not to make a purchase. Learn more about some of the technologies that we can demo and schedule your session today.
IT Staffing In An Ever-Changing Business EnvironmentRead
Today’s IT world is different and we need to adjust our IT staffing models to accommodate the evolving roles in IT. See what this new model should look like.
Pay with Your Face — Facial Recognition SoftwareRead
Facial recognition software is already live and in use in China. See how the Chinese are using this technology to provide convenience and security to their country.
Case Study: School District Performs Data Center RefreshRead
In this case study, we showcase how Mindsight completed a data center refresh for a chicago-area school district which resulted in improved performance, greater flexibility, and reduced risk.
Your Essential Guide to the 2018 E-Rate ProgramRead
The 2018 E-Rate program window is open. Learn how to take full advantage of government subsidies for your school or library to purchase needed technology solutions in this informative guide.
Mindsight to Speak at 2018 IADP/IPRA Soaring to New Heights ConferenceRead
The 2018 IADP/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference is just around the corner, and Mindsight VP of consulting services will host a session on security as a service.
Mindsight’s Top Tech Gifts of 2017Read
The top tech gifts of 2017 are available now on the Mindsight Tech Blog. See some of our recommendations for the holiday season.