Find out the pros and cons of SD-WAN vs MPLS and how these two support hybrid-work environments in today’s “new normal”.
Category: Network Infrastructure
Articles about network infrastructure including SD-WAN, SDN, ACI, DNA, and other networking solutions. Explore network infrastructure with Mindsight.
AI in the Data Center: An Infrastructure ReportRead
Artificial intelligence, whereby blazing fast computers are trained with massive amounts of data to perform human functions like image processing and speech recognition, is on the rise. Again.
Phases Of A Cyber Attack: The Before, During, And AfterRead
By understanding the phases of a cyber attack, your can better prepare your organization for the most prevalent risks to the business.
Microsegmentation: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Microsegmentation can be achieved using SDN solutions, as it supplies security to the network interior.
Diving Deeper into Desktop as a Service: A Cloud ReportRead
When VDI solutions came into the market in 2006, they delivered mobility and flexibility. VDI also provided greater security and ease of management. Learn how they can work for you.
Changes in IT Spending: An Infrastructure ReportRead
There’s a saying in Chicago: If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. A pithy way of describing something that can change quickly, it could easily characterize the state of many things these days — including business operations.
Security Threat Or Innovative Solution: What is Shadow IT? A Cybersecurity ReportRead
One of the biggest FAQs we hear: what is Shadow IT? Learn the definition, examples, benefits, risks, and how to approach shadow IT in your organization.
46% Of Companies Report Cybersecurity Attacks During Covid-19 Crisis: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Almost half of all companies report an increase in cybersecurity attacks during the Covid-19 crisis. What’s more? 49% say a data breach is imminent.
VPN Use Up 53% in 6 Days; Stress On Remote-Access Networks: An Infrastructure ReportRead
While the ramifications of the coronavirus outbreak on workplace statistics have yet to be fully realized, the number of employees now working remotely has obviously grown enormously. What does this growth mean for remote network access and infrastructure demands?
Predictive Analytics Improve Patient Care: A HealthTech ReportRead
While the five-level triage system is more valid and reliable than more rudimentary systems (i.e. a three-level system), hospitals and the healthcare industry as a whole is moving towards relying on predictive analytics that are more accurate, unbiased, and successful. In fact, 57% of executive forecast predictive analytics will save the organization 15% or more over the next five years.