Remote and hybrid work are becoming the norm at countless companies. There’s just one problem: not enough workers have the tech tools they need to succeed outside the office. Mindsight’s John Irey shares his insights on what is necessary for a successful shift to hybrid or full remote.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
Multicloud Deployments Rise: 5 Benefits Of MulticloudRead
It may sound like hype, but 94% of enterprises are already operating multicloud environments. Multicloud is the use of multiple different public cloud providers, and it’s bringing big benefits to the business.
Has Remote Work Worked?Read
It’s been over two years since companies in the U.S. and around the world sent employees home, initially thinking they’d bring them back in a few weeks. That didn’t happen, of course, because the Covid-19 pandemic was just getting started. What happened instead was a remote work revolution—one that’s still going strong.
The IT Talent ShortageRead
If you thought the IT talent shortage was bad in 2021, it’s going to be as bad or worse in 2022. In fact, a recent Gartner survey of IT executives identified talent as “the most significant adoption barrier to 64 percent of emerging technologies,” categorized across compute infrastructure and platform services, network, security, digital workplace, IT automation, and storage and database.
Leading Productive Remote WorkersRead
For better or worse, depending on your take, remote work is here to stay. Maybe not across the board, but certainly to a far greater degree than in pre-pandemic days.
Security in Manufacturing: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
For decades, the main security issues manufacturers grappled with involved things like vandalism, on-site theft and physical supply chain disruption. Then the Internet came along, digital technology became more sophisticated, manufacturing processes went online, and the threats increased. What is the state of cybersecurity in manufacturing today?
CFOs: The Keys To Growth in 2022Read
The ways in which CFOs plan and implement their annual growth agendas are as varied as the CFOs themselves. But each company and individual must contend with this universal truth: growth is rarely, if ever, easy. What’s new for CFO’s in 2022, and how does tech play a role?
Current Events Drive an Increase in Cyber Threats: A Security ReportRead
Whether from foreign governments or rogue individuals, the United States and its citizens are constantly under assault in cyberspace. Russia has long been a particularly troublesome source of attacks, especially in the last year or two. In light of the current tumult in Ukraine, some experts say the worst is yet to come.
Security in Banking: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Cyber attacks were up yet again in the first half of 2021, but the banking industry was disproportionately affected, experiencing a 1,318 percent year-on-year increase in ransomware attacks. Mindsight’s Mishaal Khan discusses these startling stats, and what to do.
Customer Obsession in the Post Covid WorldRead
Old and busted: “customer experience” (CX). The new hotness: “customer obsession”. Find out why top businesses are reorganizing around delivering top-notch emotional experiences for the customer.