EPIC’s App Orchard Is Almost HereRead

  December 20, 2015 In February 2015, EPIC announced that it would enable an open API in their electronic health record (EHR) software and open an app exchange store called the App Orchard. It is now only a month or two from its official release. EPIC is the nation’s leading provider of EHR software to […]

Behavioral Advertising and How the Internet Learns Your InterestsRead

  December 18, 2015 In a previous post, we discussed the rising importance of Cyber Monday for holiday season retailers. Last year, the National Retail Federation released a report claiming that only 55% of holiday shoppers spent money on Black Friday and Thanksgiving weekend. This is a far cry from the door buster sales of […]

Omnichannel Needs Provoke Change in the Contact CenterRead

  December 7, 2015 Technology and the internet have infiltrated nearly every aspect of our lives and raised our standards of communication. If someone wants to reach a friend, whether through a call, chat, email, or social media, there are numerous channels by which to contact them. Unsurprisingly, consumers expect that same level of availability […]

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