How do cybersecurity vs regulatory compliance frameworks overlap and interact to protect businesses, consumers, and data?
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
WFM vs WFO: What’s The Difference? A Contact Center ReportRead
What’s the difference between WFM vs WFO? Workforce management is a subset of workforce optimization, both leading to an improved customer experience.
Patterns Tell Stories: Event Correlation In Network SecurityRead
Event correlation is a technique that for analyzing a large set of event points and identifying relationships or patterns that signal a security threat.
Securing Your ICS Environment: Cybersecurity Protection In ManufacturingRead
Securing your ICS environment is vital to ensuring improved efficiencies in production, handling, and distribution. NIST’s new guide offers a framework for implementation.
A History Of Cyber Attacks [Infographic]Read
The history of cyber attacks is rife with lessons to learn. Review a brief history and learn from the mistakes of others.
4 Steps To Cloud Cost OptimizationRead
Cloud cost optimization is one way IT manages a lean budget while still providing key resource allocation to the business.
5 Most Common Cybersecurity Mistakes Companies MakeRead
Understanding the most common cybersecurity mistakes businesses make can help your organization better prepare for cyber attacks.
Robocalls: Who Will Stop The Plague Of 2019?Read
It’s an epidemic: 48 billion robocalls in 2018 and no sign of slowing. Understanding the robocall problem and how consumers and businesses manage the deluge is no easy task.
Mindsight Named Cisco’s Best Enterprise Networking Partner: SLED 2018 IllinoisRead
Mindsight named Cisco’s best enterprise networking partner by SLED Illinois committee in recognition of excellence in delivering technology services to the education sector.
Ensure Business IT Alignment: Finding PerspectiveRead
Business IT alignment is essential to survival in today’s market, yet many businesses struggle to find perspective and expertise in meeting business goals.