Better appointment scheduling is possible if you leverage AI for the patient experience. Learn strategies for implementing health technologies as Covid-19 restrictions lift.
Category: Industry News
Articles about industry news within the technology space. Find information on some of the latest trends and topics for discussion. Explore industry news with Mindsight.
Endpoint And Cloud Security Essential As Work Goes Remote: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Rapid remote access deployments mean the number of endpoints has grown dramatically. Bringing endpoint and cloud security together might just help reduce this cybersecurity risk.
Why Now Is The Perfect Time For A Technology Refresh: A CIO ReportRead
It might seem counterintuitive, but a crisis could just be the perfect time for a technology refresh. Find out the 5 signs now is the time to take on those long-term IT projects.
8% IT Spending Drop Tied To Covid-19, Gartner Reports: A CIO ReportRead
Gartner has updated its 2020 forecast and an IT spending drop is imminent – no surprise. Find out how CIOs are investing and the best cost optimization practices for IT today.
46% Of Companies Report Cybersecurity Attacks During Covid-19 Crisis: A Cybersecurity ReportRead
Almost half of all companies report an increase in cybersecurity attacks during the Covid-19 crisis. What’s more? 49% say a data breach is imminent.
Privacy With Google Classroom: Use Rises, Critics Claim RisksRead
Concerns over privacy with google classroom linger, despite its dominance in schools across the U.S.
VPN Use Up 53% in 6 Days; Stress On Remote-Access Networks: An Infrastructure ReportRead
While the ramifications of the coronavirus outbreak on workplace statistics have yet to be fully realized, the number of employees now working remotely has obviously grown enormously. What does this growth mean for remote network access and infrastructure demands?
The COO And The Customer Experience Collide: A Contact Center ReportRead
CX is no longer relegated to a single department in the organization; it’s fundamental to the mission. The COO and the customer experience are more entwined than ever before.
How IT Directors Support Virtual Learning For Remote Students: An EdTech ReportRead
As of March 27th, 48 states, excluding only Iowa and Maine, have issued state-wide school closures. The shutdown of schools across the U.S. due to the coronavirus outbreak leaves school districts scrambling to shift resources towards virtual learning for remote students.
How To Deal With IT Project Pushback: A CIO ReportRead
Dealing with IT project pushback is, unfortunately, an everyday reality for the CIO. Here are 3 tips for dealing with pushback and getting buy-in for imperative technology projects.